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Resources to share and buy.
the role of the government - PowerPoint with activities

the role of the government - PowerPoint with activities

I made this to explain to my students who is the Prime Minister, what the role of the Prime Minister is, and to explain what a law is in simple context. The learning objective is to explain what the government does. Independent and groups tasks. Plenary at the end. Use of images to help understanding. One task includes separating silly laws and real laws will include the hand out. This PowerPoint will cover the whole lesson.
PSHE- All about me

PSHE- All about me

Suitable for Early Years, KS1 and Special Educational Needs. Planning consists of 6 lessons plans with activities. Each lesson is well differentiated with plenary added. Happy teaching....
PSHCE - Transition - How to Cope with Changes

PSHCE - Transition - How to Cope with Changes

6 Weeks Planning includes, seating plan, adult deployment, differentiation, plenary, AFL, teaching activities and keywords. 6 PowerPoint's, are made for group participation, simple thumbs up, thumb down as well opportunities for discussion. Will suit students KS1 and SEN. I made the PowerPoint's in a social story style. Will help students with change of class, new teachers, new peers and new schools Everything is easy to adapt to suit your students. Happy Teaching....
PowerPoint Statutory rights and contractual rights explained and broken down to ensure understanding

PowerPoint Statutory rights and contractual rights explained and broken down to ensure understanding

Statutory rights and contractual rights explained and broken down to ensure understanding. This resource is a PowerPoint and includes resources to be printed to support the lesson and marking. Starter, main, plenary with images. Dyslexia friendly, used Century Gothic, dark blue font with light blue background. Suitable for year 9 and over. Subjects in accordance with preparation for adulthood such as Work Related Learning, Citizenship, Sixth Form and PSHE. Happy Teaching
Resilience and Mental Health Awareness

Resilience and Mental Health Awareness

Interactive PowerPoint, includes a starter, video, questions to lead to discussions, a focus on stress and coping methods. With an ending activity which students can present to support the plenary. The main focus is resilience and well-being.
Who is Stephen Wiltshire? Entire lesson with differentiated tasks

Who is Stephen Wiltshire? Entire lesson with differentiated tasks

Entire lesson: Describes Wiltshire’s life. -Areas to discuss Stephen’s Autism. Includes a relevant video of Stephen Wiltshire talking about his passion for drawing skylines . Memory task of drawing a Skyline with images. Task 1 for students to discuss what challenges they have overcome. Task 2 - to read an article and answer questions from the PowerPoint. Plenary includes differentiated questions to suit your class.
What is Consent - Touch - SOSAFE - In CIP - SEN

What is Consent - Touch - SOSAFE - In CIP - SEN

Everything included. Second lesson based on what is consent? The lesson helps students to recognise and understand what is consent. The lesson contains handouts with feelings and emotions, two adapted worksheets, the lesson is adapted in group work and uses CIP to reinforce students understanding.
Depression - SEND

Depression - SEND

This lesson focuses on ‘depression’. The aim for SEND students to understand the meaning of depression as well as to learn strategies to manage depression. The lesson includes a learning objective, resources, videos, activities and a plenary. The lesson is created in CIP to reinforce students understanding.
Strategies to manage anxiety - SEND

Strategies to manage anxiety - SEND

Complete lesson which focuses on strategies to manage anxiety. The lesson includes a learning objective, activities, video and a plenary. The lesson is created in CIP to reinforce students understanding.
What is self-esteem? - SEND

What is self-esteem? - SEND

The lesson focus is ‘self-esteem’. The aim is to teach SEND students the meaning of self-esteem. The lesson includes a learning objective, resources, activities and a plenary. The lesson is created in CIP to reinforce students understanding.